- i like to observe, what ever u can list as long as i can see and look at. yes, I LIKE TO OBSERVE.
- i like to know what's on others mind.
- i like to stare (i know it's impolite :P).
- i like to be the boss of myself but not boss of others.
- i like the responsible and punctual me.
- i like watching others' fingers at work.
- i like being alone and surrounded by friends at the same time.
- i like smart ass.
- i like to feel busy.
- i like to LOL and make others LOL at the same time.
- i like tea (without sugar, please :D) but not coffee.
- i like food that i feel like eating at that time.
- i like slacking off when working in RO.
- i like to be sarcastic (i know it's not good to be one).
- i like pressuring myself.
- i like scheduling what i need to do in my mind.
- i like not to have my time organized.
- i like reading blogs owned by my friends and sometimes their friends' too.
- i like bringing a small bottle of water wherever i go.
- i like having an umbrella by my side when i travel alone.
- i like to be the follower at times.
- i like to be lazy and stuck with the tv all the time.
- i like getting my goals achieved silently.
- i like to question.
- i like earthy colours but not girly colours.
- i like listening but not telling problems.
- i like doubting myself.
- i like setting a full meter of "trust" for everyone i know and reducing it when have to.
- i like having clear borders when socializing.
- i like blue eyed Siberian Husky.
- i like the truth, both telling or knowing (i know it hurts, sorry).
- i like no Math and History.
- i like boy size, sophisticated, cool, unique watches (sorry for starring at the display window for too long :P).
- i like wearing specs and leaving short hair and nails.
- i like to respect and to be respected.
- i like weird, hilarious and random friends.
- i like to be casual.
- i like Banana Foundation.
- i like decisive people.
- i like untypical girls.
- i like to crap like nobody business.
- i like keeping my mouth shut when i think it's time to.
- i like reading about my horoscope everyday.
- i like to on the CD player playing instrumental music while sleeping (mind relaxing xD).
- i like doing the same thing (hving the same food, playing the same game, watching the same drama series) continuously till i get enough of it.
- i like the words "if" and "why".
- i like pills and no medicine syrup :S
- i like travelling (travel around the world and owning a watch retail shop- must- do after my retirement :P).
- i like doing stuff spontaneously at times.
- i like the sea, sun and beach.
- i like cherries (not those artificial ones) but not banana.
- i like colourful notes for i'll fall asleep if it's only black n white.
- i like saving up but not spending (not a good habit either).
- i like walking home alone.
- i like chewing (chewing gum, bubble gum, straw, wooden stick?).
- i like planning but also following plans of others.
- i like the feel of success.
- i like discovering something new.
- i like being used to.
and the list shall be continued.
i do have a lot of things i like. most importantly, I LIKE MYSELF & U who's reading this :)
till the next post, take care!