hey, peeps! how's life going? mine's pretty lifeless recently, going through the same old, dusty, rusty routine over and over again. still, i think that i have been wasting tonnes of time doing nothing when my other college friends are actually busy all around the place. if you've happened been following this blog of mine, surely you'd know how much i like reading blogs of others. getting to know how they're doing, reading the lines and picturing them having fun, knowing the other side of them through words and etc. - these are all the so- called- benefits i get from reading them blog posts. i mean, it's understandable that expressing through writing (or maybe typing?) is easier.
so, i've been noticing that most are actually jotting down their daily activities through blogging. these posts, made up of the tiny little random things happening around them or even difficulties they've been going through, are enjoyable to be read, not to mention the photos that tell you a thousand words. the way they put them into words is like the mirror, reflecting their real self besides the situation and emotion at that particular time. reading between the lines is the technique here. you might be slapped with hilarious, unexpected facts about your long- known friend. who knows. but one thing for sure is that we tend to express ourselves more sincerely through writing, no?
in my case, however, i prefer to go with the flow, blog about anything that comes into mind. that explains why this blog here is full of random crap, crap that's logical, reasonable and works for me. putting it into simple short sentences is the best way for me to write here, never like lengthy and wordy posts. there you go, short, random, crappy posts.
that all for this post, i have no clue what i've been crapping about here.
take care, till the next post!
all i can say is:" Haha!"
if it's in a sarcastic or pathetic way?
you tell me.
find the noun or adjective
the word or phrase that fits into the sentence.
i have no rights to judge you
neither judging myself.
because that is how the world been spinning, realistically.
but the main point is
i have no idea how.
i don't know who i am.
show me the luminous hand,
bring out the real soul in this shell.
Merci beaucoup! :)
been considering too much lately.
about what to say.
about why others say the particular sentences.
about how others would feel if i were to say something like that.
about the future.
about purposes.
basically anything that's around me.
just want to stop by,
lay back and enjoy the scene.
been considering too much lately.