Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sign ?

ruled by the Sun.


Monday, June 27, 2011

Buried ?


from this pile

to this current pile, in just few weeks time.

i  ♥ you, dear assignments and lab reports!!

i really do, dear Amechania 

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Dawn ?

the most beautiful and unwinding period of the day.


Imagination ?

imagination is as priceless as life.


Friday, June 24, 2011

Stroll ?

take a peaceful stroll alone, calming.


Shine ?

let the warm sun shines away the unpleasant.


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Prism ?

depth of insight, prism theory.

extreme- sided point of view.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Close to Heart ?

ask question, answer it close to heart.

but truth?

or just another white lie?

friend, stays close to heart.

but truth?

or just another passerby?

respect, from close to heart.

but truth?

or just another hesitation?

truth, arise close to heart.

but truth?

or just another good show?

love, keep close to heart.

but truth?

or just another delusion?

yes, close to heart.

but truth?

only one knows.


Sunday, June 5, 2011

Dear Friend 3

no, please don't be fooled by her sweet smile there.

only when you get to see her face when she's at work

like this 0_____0

with her huge eyes and super serious face

scary, isn't it?

no, please don't be fooled by her serious face there.

only when you get to know her more

like this xD

with her laugh and tomato- red- face

happy, isn't it?

no, please don't be fooled by her red- like- apple face there.

only when you are given the chance to know what she's thinking about

like this --> :) :( :D -.- =.=" >:( :| :\ =___= too much to be stated here

with her more- complicated- than- onion- layers mind and thoughts

complicated, isn't it?

well, just get these out of your mind

she is just another tub of ice- cream

cold yet sweet, only if you dare to scoop it up and try

fattening yet irresistible, only if you dare to take another scoop

just a problem, she's a tub of Opulence Sundae- untouchable :S

Name: Carollee


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Dear Friend 2

a young lady from Kepong

despite being the most "matured" in the group,

she's able to stay "young", even "younger" than some of us.

this young lady has something very special - an insanely wicked laugh

the main cause of everyone ROFL

what's so funny? No idea =.=

something you cannot deny

yes, she looks good 

or maybe i should say she looks better than you think.

yes, she is confident

or maybe i should say she is just another normal human being

like you and me.

yes, she has the smile 

or maybe i should say please don't ever think of challenging her.

yes, she has the vibe

or maybe i should say you haven't got the chance 

to see her doing her best fishing tricks in class.

this young lady, is a walking rose.

Name: Diva or dhivyalosini 

Friday, June 3, 2011

Dear Friend 1


a girl from the state named Penang,

with the Penang passion flowing in and out of her.


has long rebonded hair

long but short after a round of persuation to get her to cut it.


a girl prominent of being random 

randomly humourous yet blur.


a girl who is purely workaholic

perfectionist type of workaholic.


has always been quiet

quietly observing each and everyone

or quietly moves into her own "nothing box"


has two modes- quiet OR crazy

when i say crazy, i mean it!


is the electrostatic force

gives you shock unpredictably.

that's her with her signature pose: peace/ victory =.="

Name: Syen or more famously known as ancestor xD