the path
has been chosen.
the road
has been taken.
what has been and will be sacrificed along the way,
time? effort? relationships? what else?
only future has the answer.
once asked: "ever gonna be afraid of facing it alone?"
HA HA! no point being afraid after you've made the choice.
in the end, independence
is the only thing you can rely on,
not anyone else.
well, the scenery along this rough route,
picturesque, breathtaking, mind raping, disturbing, hideous, unforgettable
appreciate every bits and pieces, like a priceless piece of art.
bitter, unpleasant, sweet, memorable, sour, undeniable
taste every flavor, like sipping from a cup of finely grounded coffee.
not that bad after all.
for being given a chance to be different
and have a diverse perspective.
"every cloud has a silver lining" does stand, no?
or just being overly optimistic?