Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry ?

there's a random stray dog or puppy, i shall call it, kept wandering and coming into my house once the front gate's opened.

 that's ze' random fella

 i have no idea why it just kept wanting to enter the house.

odd thing was, it actually barked at me as though i was the one who's intruding it's crib -.- it might be small in size but fierce. i saw ticksssssss all over its body, gowshh :S pity.

anyway, merry christmas! enjoy the festive season and the final week of 2011. time just flies, don't you agree?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011





Wednesday, December 7, 2011

everyone has his/ her moment.
only awaiting the others to light them up.

sacrifice as one's lightened up 
and as life burns itself up.

life's a brief candle,
burn out or blown out.
hence, appreciate and enjoy, regret not.

length is never the problem,
it's the content that matters.

fret not, shine yourself to the best!
or be selfless, shine others to the top!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

soon my face will be transforming into ze' shape of the tv in my house.

effect of facing it 2/3 of a day.