Thursday, August 26, 2010


hey, guys :D 
this is my very first post...
why blogging? hmmm, let me think:
  • most of my friends are doing it and feels like it's a trend to be followed?
  • need a place to express myself since i cannot shout it out in public?
  • doing for fun as i'm just too free?
  • just a random activity?
whatever the reason is, it doesn't really matter. 
interesting ideas(more specifically, craps!) that come across my mind that i would really, really want to share with you people matters the most :D

nothing much about myself, a normal human being with a workaholic brain which would never get tired 
 - constantly generating questions or even nonsense ideas. 
questioning is not wrong, isn't it? :P

that's all for this welcoming post(yea rite!?). 

see ya :D

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