Saturday, November 5, 2011

Stare ?

such a comfortable chair in this soothing ambiance.

perfect cup of drink, warming.

great evening.

there, a lady in white, holding onto her cup of cappuccino.

her face carries a tinge of weariness, though she smiles widely to thank the waiter.

her beautifully lit hazel brown eyes are sending a message,

a message of being uneasy.

guess there's something bothering her.

here, a man in suit, sipping his strong expresso

while taking his stroll online using his tablet PC.

movements of his fingers shows he is definitely a pro

but there's been unusual pauses of these fingers,

those thick eyebrows of his come to a join and form a straight line.

left hand shields his mouth then supports his lower jaw.

something he sees is tickling his mind.

oh, interesting people all around.

sit back, relax, and

stare or more appropriate- observe.

you'ld see how interesting a person can be.

even the most uninteresting person,
even the one you see everyday.

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