probably it's just me
probably it's just wrong to even have the thought of it
probably it's just me that's way too weak to admit
probably it's just wrong to even be dreaming about it
probably it's just me that's not giving enough
probably it's just wrong to even receiving that much
probably it's just me going in wrong directions
probably it's just wrong to even start following the misleading signs
probably it's just me that's too insensitive at times
probably it's just wrong to even be sensitive
probably it's just me getting it all wrong
probably it's just wrong to even think that i'm getting anything at all
probably it's just me not trying hard enough
probably it's just wrong to even have tried
probably it's just me taking things too seriously
probably it's just wrong to even see things too minute to care
probably it's just me being myself
probably it's just wrong to even being myself too much at times
probably it's just me holding on too tightly
probably it's just even wrong to even wanting to hold on
probably it's just me
being sick and tired of the situation.
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