Saturday, October 30, 2010

Things ?

i'm officially on a 2 MONTHS semester break now. YES, a long 2 MONTHS semester break, after all those hectic n restless days n nights of a short semester, finally having a break for it now. nothing much has been done for this semester, except assignments, lab reports, n presentation. pretty lifeless, i agree. but the following 2 months will be more lifeless i think. why?? coz there's no college and when there's no college for a college student, means no life. pathetic, isn't it? sometimes it's not what you exactly want when you get a hold on it.

ok, whatever it is life must go on. i've actually thought of what i can possibly do to kill the time spend my time. 

maybe i could:

  • get myself a part- time job (earn some extra $$ :D)
  • watch a much drama series as i could (prison break, fringe, and the list shall go on)
  • clean up my darn messy cupboard (at least get the stuff arranged)
  • get a reflection session
  • have a movie marathon (both comedy and action movies :D)
  • give the cars a nice shower (i do enjoy washing cars.. weird?)
  • finish what needs to be done and completed
  • go on a vacation 

the list is to be continued. . .

i know, time's not going to be spent wisely. so what?! just gimme a break! let me do what i want! 

i seriously need a crazy laughing session, the one which i can actually get stomach cramp. anyone?? :D 

thanks for dropping by and be well, people :) see ya.  

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