Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Distance ?

i didn't want to admit 
refused to take notice
even blinded my consciousness
only to bury the truth
the very ugly truth
that the distance between us 
has gone far too much wider
as wide as a valley
as i look upon that familiar face of yours
from the other side of the valley
the unfamiliar you comes across my mind
freezing my warm heart
to a piece of dead cold meat
the situation is not clear to me
"what is happening?"
"why am i being trapped in this situation?"
they are questioning my brain 
like rifle firing bullets
killing fast
my wrong?
your fault?
no, not the time for blaming
this distance is disturbing me
can i not accept the truth?
can i be the one who is irrational this time?
can you be kind 
show me the way to the other side of the valley?
to meet the one and only you
who i have been missing

i just don't want to accept the truth.

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