Saturday, September 17, 2011

Achievement ?

take the test below and see what you score, just answer yes or no to each question.

  1. if offered a choice of tasks, would you pick one that is moderately difficult rather than one that is very difficult or easy?
  2. do you enjoy tasks more if you compete against others?
  3. do you prefer tasks that have clear, definable goals and measurable outcomes?
  4. while working on projects, do you like feedback about how well you are performing?
  5. would you prefer criticism from a harsh (but competent) evaluator or from one who is friendlier, but less competent?
  6. do you prefer tasks where you are personally responsible for the outcome?
  7. when working on a difficult task, do you persist when you encounter roadblocks?
  8. do you typically receive high performance evaluations (e.g., receiving top honors or special recognition in sports, clubs, and other activities)?

give yourself 1 point for each yes you answered to the eight questions. people with higher number of yes answers tend to be high in achievement motivation, in another words, KIASU. (especially for those scoring 7 and 8)

so what's your score? :)

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