Thursday, March 22, 2012

Books ?

Hello people! Well, I know the dust is thick here. Sorry for not dropping by after such long period of time. Been pretty busy this while, especially ze' early of March. Gosh! Wave after wave of tests and assignments came crushing onto us. But we survived, thank goodness T.T 

This semester is such a fast one, maybe it's because of the rushing and being totally drown in the mountain of work, and now it's almost the end of the semester. Final exam's just around the corner! This whole thing is just so unreal -_-

Anyway, I've gotten myself a book that I've been eyeing on for a long time with the book vouchers :D Cost me a piece of the vouchers. I know it's pretty pricey. I wouldn't even dare to lay my hands on it if there weren't vouchers :S It's a good book though, worth the price! :)

 ze' book!

So, that's all for now. Till the next post! :)

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