Thursday, January 20, 2011

Door ?

there's a door

which i dare not touch

let alone knocking on it

or trying to get to the other side of door

yes, i am curious

curious to know what's kept and closed behind the door

there might be a possibility that i could help untangling and unwinding the twist and turn

which kept the door closed

curiosity kills a cat

that's the unbroken code for this untouchable door

please, would you do me a favor?

just leave the door open

even just for once

let me fill the emptiness of the chest of curiosity

maybe that's too much to ask for

how i wish i could be more courageous

at least take the effort to try decoding or getting the permission to enter

sadly, i can't take a step forward

truly afraid of breaking the only lock to enter the door

i am still discourage to open the door.


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