Saturday, January 22, 2011

Past ?

The past

is to be kept as one of the members of memories

using it to stay grateful and feel loved at the same time

if it was good.

grow stronger, tougher, and wiser

for which it were dreadful.

thinking of standing close and laying by the side of it

till the end of time.

thinking of replenishing the scenes in it

till the delusion fills the mind full.

time to clear out the clouds and mist in front of the eyes 

life dominated by it

could be the worst disaster ever

be it the choice of oneself or being pushed unwillingly 

draw a border

turn away from the fantasy it created

face the reality

next, take a massive step forward into the future

accompanied by hope and strong will

look forward to tomorrow or the day after

let the past be in the past

allow it to leave, with the least residue as possible

never grab it in hands with full force

as it will definitely empty the life potion, with no single drop present in the glass

free it

sunshine is showing its hand 

live for the future rather than the past. 


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