Thursday, August 26, 2010


welcome back, thinkers :D

went for an outing with my buddies recently and an interesting question just caught my mind:


that's a common question to most of you, isn't it? especially during the schooling times. nothing's special about this question as you're asked like almost each year when school reopens? :/ but one thing, i realized that this simple question definitely gives a huge impact on one's decision making process.

well, the Q&A session started among us. all sorts of dreams, from old- school type to unrealistic ones, just name it. as i was listening to others' dreams, an enormous ? just busted into my brain, what is my dream??? 

answer: i think i don't really have one :S coz i set target rather than just having a dream. targets are clearer and more achievable as well :)

i know, i'm REALISTIC, no problem with it :D

so, tell me what's yours?

till the next post, take care :)  

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