Friday, August 27, 2010

Right tract?

degree's starting soon, as soon as next week. however, in this short sem break another ? just breached into my mind : am i on the right tract?

since my pre- u course started approx. a year ago, i've met n been fortunate enough to be friends with a huge group of awesome people monkeys. had so much fun till i've actually forgotten it's time for another new beginning time to be alone again(pathetic :/) .

as usual, nothing's perfect. opportunity cost is all you need to consider. but once again, the costs of both sides are just so similar till losing any one of it seems so darn costly. the ? just kept playing in my head, asking me if it worths, asking me if it's necessary. it's not the first time, it seems.

Answer: i don't know but obviously must keep myself clear, clear about what's most important, most in need currently. if i'm on the right tract? answer to be revealed in the future :)

what about you, thinker? has this question ever bothered you? tell me :)

till the next question :D

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