Thursday, September 2, 2010


finally, finally i'm officially done with my pre- u course. results of the last three subjects were all out by tuesday. satisfied? yea, pretty :D 

one year had actually passed so quickly, too quickly, just like in a blink of eye. i believe with the saying, time flies when you're having fun. totally agreed with it coz in this whole year, fun was definitely more than stress. i mean how can i say it's not fun when there's a huge group of  interesting people around you? let me introduce you these monkeys which made going college a real good thing to do :D

les filles
#1 Sye Yen - the most random of all
(a.k.a ancestor)
#2 Dhivya - the best laughter of all
(a.k.a diva)

#3 Siew Wei - the smartest of all
(a.k.a carol)
#4 Shok Chen - the noisiest of all
(a.k.a shoki)

#5 Maltha - the youngest of all
(a.k.a piku)

the girls (:

les gars

#6 Cyril - the eldest of all
(a.k.a cereal)
#7 Loga - the worst driver of all
(a.k.a the boss)
#8 Karl - the cheekiest of all
(a.k.a karl butler)
#9 Ryan - the shiest joker of all
(a.k.a dai lou)
the guys (:

each with their partner


the craziest of all xD

thanks to these people above, my pre- u life was filled with crazy laughters and jokes, the stress level was at its minimum level everyday even if physics' there :P seriously can't imagine how life'ld be if i'd nvr met them.

now that degree's started, separation will definitely do its magic on us. hope all of them'll succeed in whatever they're doing and please, HAPPY always :D

credits to BANANA FOUNDATION!!! 

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