Saturday, September 25, 2010

Review ?

hey peppos :D how's life recently? 

i know this blog's dead for nearly 3 weeks. therefore, i'm here to revive it with some random facts or maybe revealing the real ME! lets call it- the review of myself :P
  1. i do judge a person with his/ her cover, which means first impression is very important for me, BUT i do read the synopsis of the book before doing any judgement. one thing is, that judgement'll definitely stay there till i've read the book myself.
  2. i do care and appreciate others but not each and everyone whom i know.
  3. logic and sense come first, rather than emotion and feelings.
  4. questioning others is fun to me, explanation's a must for their answers (scary??). however, hate to be questioned =.=
  5. boredom does kill me quickly. that is why fun people are very important :D
  6. my favourite words: but/ whatever/ never mind/ what the.../ GREAT!/ shit!/ crap la!?
  7. i do like sentimental songs, in fact, like them A LOT. but i do shake with the beats of pop songs :D
  8. sometimes feels as if i have dual personality, just like uniforms, a pair for college and another for home.
  9. i'm a SUPER lazy bummm. never expect me to clean my room.
  10. very interested in learning body language and lip reading, only if possible.
  11. (over)optimistic is actually the best way to keep me on tract, looking forward but not backward.
  12. sometimes just hate changes, especially when i'm used to the current situation. but changes mean more opportunities :P
  13. nothing's gonna be done if there's no dateline. suspecting if datelines are my main motivation :S
  14. mini games or sometime violent games are the best to entertain myself, other than watching tv.
  15. love stalking others' blogs. will definitely be complaining if anyone never update their blogs. hehe xD
  16. have never gotten any prize from any lucky draw for the whole life :/ unlucky? nahh, who cares :P
  17. prefer the truth than lies. although truth hurts, for a short while.
  18. when i've used the word "hate" on you, just don't hope that i'll replace the word with anything else. coz it'll never happen, sorry to say so.
  19. being frank and sarcastic to a person means he/ she's in the "close friends" list. coz he/ she's the one i can be truthful enough and really care about.
  20. laughter is very essential in my life, second after sleeping :P
tats all for this session of self review. take care.

till the next post :)

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